The world of the stock market is very dynamic and can be challenging to navigate. Investing in stock markets is similar to a roller coaster ride because frequent price fluctuations are a common occurrence. When any particular trend continues for a longer period, it can be either a bear market or a bull market. This means, if they believe the market is trending in a bullish direction then they can open a long position. If they think the opposite, and they believe the market is bearish, then they can open a short position.

  • Bull markets typically happen alongside a growing or strong economy, a solid gross domestic product (GDP), rising corporate profits that lift stock prices, and lower unemployment.
  • In the same way a bear market can shake investor confidence, a bull market can boost investor confidence, thus driving returns higher too.
  • Sometimes a correction can be seen as the start of a bear market which is not the case.
  • This market is generally believed to be one in which markets continue to rise over time without falling by more than 20% from their previous peak.
  • Following the brief Covid crash, markets experienced a remarkable bull run.
  • The factors that differ between a bull market and a bear market are gross domestic production, prices of the economy, inflation rate, interest rate, consumption and spending power, and employment.

Psychological factors behind bullish and bearish sentiments

In a bullish market, the demand for securities generally exceeds supply, causing prices to rise even more. This type of market condition often encourages trading and investing and it can lead to economic expansion. Usually, a bull market happens when the economy is strong or getting stronger. High employment rates, high gross domestic product, and other measures of economic well being and stability are generally thought to correlate with bull markets. In the stock market, the terms bulls and bears are commonly encountered which indicates, how the stock market is doing, at a particular time.


It is a trader’s job to know which style of trading best fits their investing needs during each market type. The ebb and flow of buying and selling keeps the market from becoming so expensive the regular person couldn’t afford to trade. Sometimes a correction can be seen as the start of a bear market which is not the case. That can affect your trading hence the need to know the bear market definition. On the other hand, a bearish market is when the performance of the market is on the decline.

  • Over the years, the stock market has seen many bull runs, which happen on average every six years.
  • Rising GDP denotes a bull market, while falling GDP correlates with a bear market.
  • Whether the market is going through a Bullish or a Bearish market scenario is not in the hands of an individual or a single factor but large scale factors and other macroeconomic situations.
  • A bull market is a market that is on the rise and where the conditions of the economy are generally favorable.
  • As you can tell, each of these different market types would call for different trading systems.
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Best Bear Market Stocks to Buy?

Understanding these terms can help you make a profitable stock investing decision. Not understanding them can set you on a path of making poor decisions that loses your hard-earned money. There is no point in holding on to your bearish trading system when the market is running bullish and vice versa. While that may sound simple enough and the only obvious thing to do, the reality may be different for many traders. Most people tend to use one tool (and not always the right lexatrade review one) for all jobs.

Ready to trade your edge?

But by the time everyone agrees that point is reached, the bull market may not last too much longer. In fact, it often becomes more likely that the market becomes close to an inflection point when everyone recognizes a bull market. There can be a danger that if sentiment turns, everyone could rush for the exits and try to sell. So, in that sense, markets can charge higher, wildly and with great power, just like a bull. But declining markets can seem like a ransacking bear on the loose in a town — they destroy everything and make people lose confidence.

For the novice investors, these terms are a bit confusing, but one can easily understand the two, by analysing the attacking style of the two animals, which determines the movement of the market. In other words, bear markets can lead to opportunities for long-term investors to put money to work. This is not unlike those folks who buy up real estate during slumps in the housing market. As for which investing strategies to employ, different sectors tend to outperform over various periods in a bull market. Early on, cyclical sectors like financial stocks and industrial stocks tend to outperform as they are most sensitive to interest rates and economic growth. While Best high yield dividend stocks bear markets can be scary, they are a natural part of the economic cycle and often lead to even stronger market returns.

Unemployment rate changes

During this period, investors generally feel pessimistic about the stock market’s outlook, and the changes in the stock market may be accompanied by a recession. But a bear market doesn’t always indicate that a recession is coming. In recent history, a recession has followed a bear market about 70% of the time. In a bull market, the ideal action for an investor is to take advantage of rising prices by buying stocks early in the trend (if possible) and then selling them when they have reached their peak. A period when most investors are selling stocks is known as distribution, while a period when most investors are buying stocks is known as accumulation.

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